Why is the Biden Administration So Afraid of Tesla?

Tesla Snubbed By the White House During its EV-Themed Event

General Motors and Ford are certainly trying to make a shift to electrification, but even if you combine the two, they don’t come close to the dent Tesla has made when it comes to electrification. It would only make sense for Tesla to be there, yet – according to Elon Musk himself – Tesla wasn’t even invited.

So, once again, America’s largest full-scale EV producer was snubbed, and what it boils down to is money. How does it boil down to money? Well, Tesla isn’t a part of the UAW which, as you know, makes contributions to politics in one way or another. When asked about Tesla’s absence, press secretary, Jen Psaki, said,

“Today, it’s the three largest employers of the United Auto Workers, and the UAW president who will stand with President Biden as he announces his ambitious new target”

When Tesla’s absence was brought up yet again, the response was even more direct:

“Well, these are the three largest employers of the United Auto Workers, so I’ll let you draw your own conclusions”

So, in other words, and the way I see it, Tesla wasn’t invited because it wasn’t part of the circle jerk that is the UAW and Biden Administration. Secretary Pete couldn’t even give an honest answer, saying “I’m not sure. What I know is that you are seeing so many leaders in the industry.”

But wait, it gets worse. Bill Ford, the Executive Chair of Ford Motor Company (so, essentially Ford itself) had the new to say that “Ford is leading the electric revolution.”

I don’t think I stand alone when I say that one new EV – the Mach-E, which is built in Mexico, by the way –
and the concept that is the Ford F-150 Lightning does anything in terms of leading when you have companies like Tesla – an American company – that has sold way, way more EVs than Ford. In fact, Audi, BMW, Nissan, and even GM (yes, really GM) has sold more EVs than Ford. Sorry, Ford, but you’re not leading a damn thing.

In the end, Tesla was left out so that company’s like Ford, GM, and Stellantis can pretend to be major leaders in a segment that they barely exist in. The numbers speak for themselves, and as best I can tell, it’s because Tesla doesn’t buy into the political side of things or suck and the tit of the Biden administration every chance it gets. That’s why the Biden Administration snubbed Tesla, and that’s why it’s like pulling teeth to get anyone in the white house to even say the word “Tesla.”

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